Ned's Mindset Mission

Today students in grades K-5 took part in an assembly teaching about growth mindset.  We saw some really great yo-yo skills as well as some amazing magic tricks as Ned traveled on a mindset mission.  The students learned about how important it is to never give up by using the power of yet, to encourage others so that we can find the courage inside of us, and to do our best by always trying to learn more.  Be sure to ask your child what they learned today from the assembly.

To help remember today's lesson each of the students in grades K-5 will be bringing home a yo-yo.  This yo-yo can be used as a great tool to help the students get hands-on experience about what they heard today.  While learning how to yo the students will make mistakes but if they keep trying they will eventually learn the skill.  With parent permission the students can visit to learn more about their yo-yo (how to prepare the string as well as instructions for some tricks) and other NED's Mindset Mission resources.