school bus

Elida Schools District of Residence:

Contact the Elida Bus Garage at 419-338-6805

Lima City Schools District of Residence:

Attention to any eligible family residing in the Lima City School district that plans on requesting bus transportation for the 2024-2025 school year! Please see the attached packet of information. Please be aware the cut off date for a guarantee of bussing for the first day of school is July 1, 2024. If you have any questions please contact the Lima City Bus transportation department.

Lima City Bus Info 2024-2025

Shawnee School District of Residence:

Parents of students wanting busing with Shawnee School District will need to send Shawnee a request for transportation for the 24/25 school year. This can be done by visiting:

select menu, then transportation and scroll to the bottom of the page and to the link for "transportation for non-public schools", we will receive an email once that is submitted.

A request needs to be done for each student.