March 17, 2020
Dear St. Charles School Parents and Guardians,
There is no getting around the fact that this is an extremely stressful time for all of us. This is a highly uncertain time on a massive scale. Beyond concerns for our health, the thought of an indeterminate amount of time at home – perhaps unable to socialize much with others, and while many of us will be trying to work remotely– well, it's daunting to say the least.
Here are a few thoughts for making it through this extended school closing with your kids. Children need routine and predictability in order to feel safe. So, create order, with some flexibility, in your days as soon as possible. Set up a schedule that involves regular times for bathing, eating, school-work/learning activities, and socializing. Maintain a set time for going to sleep, and the same bedtime routine your kids are used to. Build in time to let off steam as your family is going to be on top of each other, maybe for a while. Get outside, do a dance party, and find some ways to create special moments with your kids.
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our staff via email. All faculty and staff emails are listed on our website. The staff has been instructed to stay on top of emails and information requests from parents and students during the normal school day. For information specific to your child, please visit the teacher webpages. We have added a COVID-19 resource page to our website that you may find helpful in supplementing your child’s work. We will continue to add resources to this page.
If you have any concerns about meals for your children please contact our school guidance counselor, Carol Van Meter. We have several resources in which we can guide you to in order to help during this extended school closing. As of now the school office will be open from 8:00am-3:00pm.
Yours In Christ,
Megan Scheid, Principal