Spring Raffle

Dear St. Charles School Families,

I am writing to let you know that we will be having a Super Spring Raffle as our final fundraiser for the school.  We need your help to hit our goal for our Super Spring Raffle. Our goal is for each family to sell / purchase a total of 5 tickets. We are confident that all of our families have the ability to sell a minimum of 5 tickets! Each raffle ticket is $20. The prizes for the raffle include:

  • Grand Prize of $5,000 Cash - The winner will be announced live on our Facebook page at 7 pm on May 12.

  • Early bird drawing on May 3rd.  The winner will receive $500 in cash, and their ticket will still be eligible in the Grand Prize drawing.

  • Family Prize - $500 in tuition credit will go to the SCCS family that sells the most raffle tickets.

  • Winning Ticket Seller - The individual or family that sold the winning (Grand Prize) ticket will win $500 in cash

All tickets will be sold online at https://www.osvhub.com/st-charles-lima/forms/super-spring-raffle-2021.  Your family can sell as many tickets as you would like.  To get credit for your tickets sold, have your buyer put your name in the field provided on the online ticket form.

Thank you so much for your support - it really does make a difference.  Every year our fundraising enables the school to keep tuition costs down and provide necessary items for the school such as religion textbooks, technological devices, and many other smaller requests that come to us from across all grade levels. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Beth Krumel at mbkrum@sccslima.org.

Yours in Christ,

Megan Scheid, Principal


  • Please remember that every family is responsible for raising $250 in the current school year in support of the mandatory fundraising effort.  If your family has already met the $250 yearly goal, and would still like to sell raffle tickets...great!  Any family not meeting the mandatory yearly fundraising requirement must pay the entire $250 fee prior to the end of the school year.

  • Families may choose to pay the fundraising fee in lieu of selling.